Logan Optical Designs, LLC
LOD Examples of Previous Work

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Contact Information:

       Owners: Dr. Logan DesAutels and Kristen DesAutels

       Phone: (937) 469-0756
       Logan's Email: ld@loganopticaldesigns.com

LOD designed four Missile Threat Warning Discrimination (MTWD) sensors (or WAHL sensor -- Wide Angle Hyperspectral Lens) for DRA.  Each WAHL sensor design consisted of four different entrance apertures and optical layouts.  LOD continues to stay on contract with DRA, since September of 2004, providing optical design services on other DRA novel optical sensor designs.  Below is a review from DRA, and click on the WAHL link to view this design.

Defense Research Associates, Inc.:

Defense Research Associates (DRA) has subcontracted with Logan Optical Design (LOD) for optical design support on contract FA8650-04-C-1694, "Missile Threat Warning Discrimination (MTWD) Phase II".  LOD designed several high performance, wide angle optical systems and investigated design trade-offs for these designs.  LOD has done an exceptional job and has met all of our cost and schedule requirements.  DRA continues to utilize LOD optical expertise. 

LOD Publications